³ÉÈËÂ×Àí Regional College continues to maintain strong working relationships with industries and has introduced full qualifications and short skills set programs that contribute to building work ready skills and knowledge, transferable to any workplace in the labour market.
Students who enrol in a VET program will be given the opportunity to:
- spend time developing skills and knowledge in simulated work environments
- develop employability skills common to all industry areas
- achieve specific skills and knowledge for the industry area of their choice
- gain nationally accredited qualifications and/or skill sets that assist in future training and pathways
- establish strong partnerships and networks within the employment environment
Our VET courses have noteworthy points of difference. For instance –
- There are five Introductory courses that have been designed as taster courses in Year 10. Students gain an understanding and working skills and knowledge about different professions. Each Introduction course gives students the opportunity to complete fun hands-on units of competency. Units that are completed successfully at the end of Year 10 are credit transferred into a full qualification should a student choose to continue with their VET studies in Senior College years.
- AUR10120 Certificate I in Automotive Vocational Preparation – a purpose-built trade training workshop will allow students the opportunity to develop core and transferable skills into the Automotive industry and obtain a School-based Apprenticeship in Senior College years.
- FBP20221 Certificate II in Baking – students will be given the opportunity to complete a full qualification in a purpose-built bakery. No other school along the Northwest Coast offers this course or training centre. This qualification also allows students the prospect to obtain a School-based Apprenticeship in Senior College years.
- CPC20220 Certificate II in Construction Pathways– students learn to build a liveable one and/or 2-bedroom unit from the foundation levels upwards. Units are officially signed off by surveyors and sold at auction to the public at the end of the second year. No other school along the Northwest Coast builds this type of structure. Students will be given the opportunity to develop core skills that are transferable into a Certificate III in Construction post-secondary schooling and students may obtain a School-based Apprenticeship in Senior College years.
- SIT20421 Certificate II in Cookery – students will be given the opportunity to learn and develop core cookery skills in a purpose-built commercial kitchen adjacent to the bakery area. This course allows students the prospect to obtain a School-based Apprenticeship in Senior College years.
- Introduction to Nursing and Health Occupation – working off campus at TasTAFE, Burnie students will be given the opportunity to develop skills and knowledge in a simulated Aged Care nursing environment at the Campus.
VET Course Offerings 2025
Delivered and assessed at ³ÉÈËÂ×Àí Regional College in partnering arrangement with TasTAFE (RTO Code 60142)
- Introduction to Construction (Year 10 – short skills set); Statement of Attainment from CPC20220 Certificate II in Construction Pathways
- CPC20220 Certificate II in Construction Pathways (Year 11 and 12)
- Introduction to Baking; Statement of Attainment from FBF20221 Certificate II in Baking (Year 11 and 12)
Delivered and assessed at TasTAFE (RTO Code 60142)
- MEM20422 Certificate II in Engineering Pathways (Year 11 and 12)
- Introduction to Nursing and Health Occupations (Year 11 and/or 12 – short skills set); Statement of Attainment from CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support
Delivered and assessed at St Brendan-Shaw College in partnering arrangements with Guilford Young College (RTO Code 1129)
- ACM20121 Certificate II in Animal Care (Year 11 and 12)
- UEE22020 Certificate II in Electrotechnology Career Start (Year 11 and 12)
- Introduction to Hair & Beauty (Year 11 and 12 – short skills set); Statement of Attainment from SHB20216 Certificate II in Salon Assistant
Delivered and assessed at St Brendan-Shaw College in partnering arrangements with Tristar Aviation Co Pty Ltd (RTO Code 22509)
- (Partial) Commercial Pilot License (Year 11 and 12); Statement of Attainment from AVI50222 Diploma of Aviation
Delivered and assessed at ³ÉÈËÂ×Àí Regional College in partnership arrangements with Guilford Young College (RTO Code 1129)
- Introduction to Automotive (Year 10 – short skills set); Statement of Attainment from AUR10120 Certificate I in Automotive Vocational Preparation
- Introduction to Baking and Cookery (Year 10 – short skills set); Statement of Attainment from SIT20421 Certificate II in Cookery
- Introduction to Tourism (Year 10 – short skills set); Statement of Attainment from SIT20122 Certificate II in Tourism
- AUR10120 Certificate I in Automotive Vocational Preparation (Year 11 and 12)
- Introduction to Cookery (Year 11 or 12); Statement of Attainment from SIT20421 Certificate II in Cookery
- SIT20322Â Certificate II in Hospitality (Year 11 and 12)
- SIS20321 Certificate II in Sport Coaching (Year 11 or 12)
Delivered and assessed at ³ÉÈËÂ×Àí Regional College (online blended Learning & Assessment) in partnering arrangements with Youth Development and Training (RTO 31892)
- FNS10120 Certificate I in Basic Financial Literacy (Year 11 and 12)
- FSK20119 Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways (Year 11 and 12)
Delivered and assessed via blended learning (³ÉÈËÂ×Àí Regional College on-line component) and at the Australian Maritime College – practical assessments (RTO 60131)
- MAR10418 Certificate I in Maritime Operations (Coxswain Grade 2 Near Coastal)
- Shipboard Safety Skill Set (Year 11 and 12); Statement of Attainment from MAR10418 Certificate I in Maritime Operations (Coxswain Grade 2 Near Coastal)
Delivered and assessed at ³ÉÈËÂ×Àí Regional College in partnership arrangements with Allens Training (RTO 90909)
- HLTAID011 Provide First Aid, HLTAID009 Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, HLTAID010 Provide Basic Emergency Life Support (Year 10, 11 and 12)); Statement of Attainment
Delivered and assessed at ³ÉÈËÂ×Àí Regional College in the Cradle Coast Trade Training Centre, in partnering arrangements with Workforce Development (RTO 60103)
- SITHFAB021 Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) (Year 10, 11 and 12); Statement of Attainment
Year 10 Vocational Education and Training
Students in Year 10 can participate in short skills set courses to gain an understanding of different professional areas, while developing their skills and knowledge, and employability skills. Each Introductory course has been designed to allow the opportunity for students to enrol in a minimum of three (3) units of competency. Successful completion of units will carry credit points towards the Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE) – 120 points. Further, introductory courses are intended to enable students to transition into full VET qualifications (where applicable) in Senior College years.
Year 11 and 12 Vocational Education and Training
Senior College students can study nationally accredited VET qualifications and short skill-set courses as part of their Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE).
The Australian Qualifications Framework – volume of learning describes how long it would take to develop all the required skills and knowledge. Volume of learning includes all teaching, learning and assessment activities that a typical student must undertake to achieve the learning outcomes and suggests 600 hours is the required amount at a Certificate II level.
Throughout a school year, 150 hours is allocated for each subject and/or VET course. Certificate II level courses allow students the opportunity to meet required assessment outcomes, meet industry standards and develop confidence and competence. Importantly, most Certificate II level courses are offered over a two (2) year period to cater to the volume of learning requirements.
Work placement is a mandatory component of full qualifications (where applicable to RTO requirements); hours contribute to the overall volume of learning, including homework, part-time jobs and holiday study/work programs.
Our College aims to help match student interest to courses, even if they are offered off-site or online.
Australian School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (ASbA/T)
Earn and learn
Certificate III qualifications are often the basis for trade outcomes and undertaken as part of a traditional trade or apprenticeship (Volume of learning 1200-2400 hours). Certificate II and III level qualifications such as Aged Care, Business or Retail come under the banner of Traineeships. In Year 11 and/or 12, students can combine paid part-time work with formal industry-based training while completing secondary schooling. An ASbA/T is a great combination to gain the Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE) and get a head-start in a career.
³ÉÈËÂ×Àí Regional College is a significant player in the community and works closely with multiple professional business to offer students pathways that align with their career goals and aspirations.
There are advantages of an ASbA/T while completing the Tasmanian Certificate of Education during Years 11 and 12. Highlighting a few feedback comments include: a head start into a career pathway while at school, earn money while training and learning and the possibility of the ASbA/T converting to full-time once completed schooling.
If a student is interested in enrolling in any VET course or wants further career advice and information about ASbA/T, we encourage them to talk to our VET Coordinator Miss Jen Reeves.